Land & Location

Features of Ravens’ Roost Cohousing’s land:

Ravens Roost is located on 6.4 acres of land, with beautiful native forest, community raised beds and a grassy fire lane. The grassy area in the fire lane catches rainwater and the swales on the north side of the land drain to a mossy, treed wetlands area.

Included in HOA-owned property is the original farmhouse, still occupied by the 98 year old man and his wife who settled here in 1948. They hold a life estate interest in the house which will transfer to the HOA once they are no longer in residence.

Ravens Roost is bordered on the south by Tract B, a 2.5 acre parcel that is owned by a group of Ravens Roost residents, and includes beautiful native forest, bee hives, a large community garden, hoop house and an orchard.  While not owned by the HOA, all Ravens are welcome there.

The Location:

  • Off of Abbott Road, about halfway between Lake Otis Parkway and Elmore Road.
  • Across Abbott Road from Ruth Arcand Park
  • Paved trails along Abbott Road and Elmore Road:
    • 1/2 mile to Abbott & Lake Otis commercial area
    • 1/2 mile to Elmore Road. Can then continue on paved trail to Elmore Park & trailhead
  • 1 mile to Trailside Elementary & Service High School
  • 3/4 mile to Hanshew Middle School
  • 1 mile to Hillside Ski Trails

Abbott Road Cohousing map

This is the south side of Ravens’ Roost Common House with Patio: